7 Powerful Earth Chakra Locations: How They Link to Our Body!
Where are the 9 famous Earth Chakra locations? Stay tuned to learn more about this incredible spiritual phenomenon!
Did you know that in Indian philosophy, many believe seven sacred sites on our planet correlate with the Chakras (powerful energy centre) of the earth?
They correlate with the seven main energy centres (chakras) located in every human being. They govern our health and may even have the capacity to help improve our health when working with these centres.
This post will explore nearly every continent to find the seven sacred energy votes or the Earth Chakara Locations.
We will uncover what they are, where they are, how they link to our bodies and the effects they can have when they are out of balance.
Table of Contents
What is a Chakra?
Chakras are vortexes of energy around the world and in the human body. They represent different areas of life and correspond to certain districts of our bodies. Chakras are commonly used in healing modalities such as yoga or energy healing.
I have been teaching yoga for over five years and practising for 10. The theory of chakras opened my eyes to the world of energy, our body and the connection to our health. I realised that certain body parts have certain frequencies or vibrations from old, unresolved traumas or wounds.
For example, many people who worry a lot or are prone to stress develop gut issues. This is because worry directly correlates with the stomach’s solar plexus chakra.
We have seven main chakras (energy portals), from the spine’s base to the head’s crown. The earth also has seven earth chakra locations, deemed energetic hotspots that correlate with and withhold the same ‘powers’ or characteristics as the bodily chakras.

The Earth Chakras
Here, we discuss and explore the Earth Chakra locations, the Sanskrit (traditional yogic scripture) translations, and the energies related to this chakra from a body-mind perspective.
The Root Chakra (Sanskrit – Muladhara)
Earth Chakra Location: Mount Shasta, California, USA
The root chakra is located at the base of our spine. It governs our life stability, grounding, and feelings of safety in the world. The earth element governs the root chakra.
The root chakra is essential, creating a solid foundation for all the other chakras. Many illnesses can be traced back to problems with an unhealed root chakra. Safety and security are our primary needs as humans!

So, it’s no wonder the earth’s root chakra resembles a mountain! Mountain characteristics include stability, weight, and security —” as stable as a mountain”—Mount Shasta in Northern California, to be specific.
The root chakra governs our feet, legs and lower back. If this chakra is out of balance, you could experience security issues, financial struggles, or a lack of support. It also governs our ability to move forward and helps us ‘stand on our own two feet.’
Mount Shasta is known for its imposing beauty and powerful spiritual presence. The still-active volcano is one of the highest peaks in the mountain range. It was, and still is, a very sacred place for Native American tribes.
They believed this peak could be the heart of the universe and the birthplace of creation!
The Sacral Chakra (Sanskrit -Swadhishthana)
Earth Chakra Locations: Lake Titicaca, Peru & Bolivia
The sacral chakra around our pelvis governs our emotional health, pleasure and creativity. It is the centre of creation for human life and, thus, our creative expressions.
The element of water governs the sacral centre. Lake Titicaca is the earth’s sacral chakra. It spreads across the majestic countries of Peru and Bolivia. The lake is an ancient sacred home of the Incas. So, it has been a holy place for many years.

The sacral chakra governs our pelvis, hips, genitals and bladder. If this chakra is out of balance, you could experience UTIs, a lack of creativity and joy and hormonal imbalances. It also governs our ability to live life with joy and regulated emotions.
The lake is said to hold both polarities of feminine and masculine energy. In yogic philosophy, this is called shakti and shiva, or in Daoist philosophy, yin and yang. Therefore, it is seen as a point of creation, sexuality, and evolution.
The Solar Plexus Chakra: (Sanskrit – Manipura)
Earth Chakra Locations: Uluru & Kata Tjuta Rock Formations, Australia
The solar plexus is located in the centre of the diaphragm. It governs our willpower, integrity, and confidence in ourselves and our life path. The Uluru rock formation in Australia is the solar plexus of Earth. It is governed by the element of fire (reflected by the dry outback heat).
This rock and the surrounding formations are a sacred site for the indigenous aboriginal groups of Australia. It is said to hold ancient secrets and powers. There is an incredible ancient story from invaders long ago. When the native people of Uluru were asked, “Where are you from?” they pointed to the stars…

The solar plexus chakra has to do with our wisdom and joy. Also, governs whether we can go after what we want in life with gumption and determination. It controls our stomach, spleen and digestion.
Problems with this area can cause issues and manifest as a lack of interest in life or a feeling of no sense of direction or purpose. Working with the chakras can correct these imbalances and restore you to health and harmony.
The Heart Chakra (Sanskrit – Anahata)
Earth Chakra Locations: Glastonbury & Shaftesbury, England
The heart chakra governs, you guessed it… the heart region. It embodies the energies of love and compassion for oneself and every being. The heart bridges the lower ‘earthy chakras’ and the upper three ‘spiritual’ chakras. It governs our healing, connectedness, and forgiveness.

The earth’s heart centre is located in Glastonbury and Shaftesbury. It is believed to represent the joining together of “love and will.” Many sacred sites lie in the area, such as Glastonbury Tor and Stonehenge. The land is holy to pagan worshipers like the Druids and Celtics.
The heart is the ‘first portal to a spiritual awakening’. England has many spiritual energies. Many are accessed on these incredible UK pilgrimage routes!
We cannot ascend to the high frequencies of consciousness without forgiving our past and those who hurt us. When out of balance, we can have unrepressed hatred and anger, leading to heart issues, depression and anxiety.
The Throat Chakra (Sanskrit – Wishuddha)
Earth Chakra Locations: Pyramid of Giza & Mount Sinai, Egypt. & Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, Israel
The throat chakra governs our ability to speak truthfully and confidently. It allows us to express our creativity without fear of judgment.
The throat chakra is not just one location. This chakra was spread across three holy ancient sites. The first is the well-known and loved Pyramids of Giza.
Also, Egypt is the second location of the holy Mount Sinai, and the third is Jerusalem’s Mount of Olives.

When viewed on a map, these places are connected by lines that form a triangle. The throat chakra also resembles a triangle. These places have essential histories in the bible.
Read more about mysteries in Egypt and globally in our Blog, Greatest Mysteries of the World.
When imbalanced we struggle to speak our minds or could be overly vocal. We could be afraid of shame or judgement too. It can manifest as thyroid issues or throat infections, tonsilitis etc. When in balance, we confidently speak and can communicate our ideas.
They also hold many mysteries and secrets of what lies beneath and the pyramids’ true purpose. There are conspiracies about the pyramid’s true purpose. Interestingly, the throat chakra is all about truth and harnessing the courage and power to seek the truth…
The Third Eye Chakra (Sanskrit – Anja):
Earth Chakra Locations: The Floating Chakra (Moves with the Star Constellations)
The third eye chakra is the seat of our intuition and inner knowing. It is located in the centre of the eyebrows. This is where we can start consciously creating our reality by altering our perceptions, beliefs and visions for the future.
The third eye chakra is the only chakra that can shift locations on Earth, supposedly due to the rotation of the Earth on its axis. This is interesting as the third eye governs psychic ability and astral projection.
It governs the ability to create new realities in our mind’s eye. The chakra coordinates with the star constellations. Hence, it’s always moving.

According to astrology, we are currently in the Age of Aquarius. Right now, it is over Stonehenge (the heart chakra), meaning the heart and third eye chakras are aligned. This coincides with the mass spiritual awakening of people worldwide today. People will open their hearts and minds to the possibility of a new earth.
“A celestial reminder that we must first see and become aware of shifting into the frequency of love and pure vibrations of the heart so we may heal and awaken the collective masses.”
When it is out of balance, we can feel our internal compass clouded. We can feel anxious and distrustful about the future and our path. We may experience ‘brain fog’, eye issues, headaches, and ear problems.
This may happen when one isn’t seeing or listening to the truth. Meditation can help us clear the clutter, regain our ability to see clearly and listen to our inner knowing. The key here is to tap in, recognise, and accept one’s destiny.
The Crown Chakra (Sanskrit – Sahasrara)
Earth Chakra Locations: Mount Kailash, Tibet
The crown chakra sits at the crown of our head. It is the most sacred chakra as it’s the portal to the divine. In some countries, touching someone’s head without permission is frowned upon.

This is because it’s so holy and sacred. It is our connection to a higher power, our relationship with God, and our faith. To know and trust in a divine plan or a connectedness to the oneness of the universe/source/spirit.
The earth’s crown chakra finds its home in one of the most sacred places on the planet. Mount Kailash in the Himalayas of Tibet.
It is only fitting that the crown jewel of the Himalayas serves as the crown chakra. Mt. Kailash is 22,000 feet tall. Many call it the “roof of the world.” Mt. Kailash is the most sacred mountain in the Himalayas. It is also the location for the annual Scorpio full moon.
The crown chakra manifests spirituality. Mount Kailash reminds us that we are all connected to something greater than ourselves.
For Tibetans and Buddhists, it is so holy and sacred that it is an offence of the highest degree even to attempt to ascend the mountain. The Dalai lama called Tibet home for many years before.
Visiting the earth chakra locations would be an incredible adventure. Shrouded in mystery and myth, these sites are sacred to many.
This means the locals in the area have some fabulous further insights into the histories, monuments and worship that have taken place on these lands. I recommend hiring local guides to support the local community and hear each place’s authentic tales and traditions!
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