The Best Sustainable Eco-Tourism Places to Stay in Mexico 2024 – Beautiful & Unique Stays

The Best Sustainable Eco-Tourism Places to Stay in Mexico 2024 – Beautiful & Unique Stays

Looking for the Best Eco-Tourism Places to Stay in Mexico? Well, we have got you covered. After all, we are in 2024, and with the ever-increasing population and mass tourism worldwide, we must start making sure our travel and holidays help and do not hinder the places we visit. In a world where environmental consciousness…

Sustainable Tourism Options in Mexico – An Implementation of Hope

Sustainable Tourism Options in Mexico – An Implementation of Hope

Are you wondering if there are sustainable tourism options in Mexico? Well, the answer is yes, absolutely! Mexico is forthcoming in sustainable and eco-tourism, with many amazing places to stay and activities that are respectful of the culture and environment! Mexico is an increasingly popular tourist destination, known primarily for its beautiful white sand beaches,…

22 Ancient Mayan Ceremonies: Wisdom and Inspiration For Everyday Life

22 Ancient Mayan Ceremonies: Wisdom and Inspiration For Everyday Life

The ancient Mayan civilization, nestled in the heart of Mesoamerica, left an indelible mark on history with its advanced knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, and intricate city-states. Beyond their architectural marvels and scientific achievements, the Mayans were deeply spiritual people who engaged in many ceremonies to connect with the divine, honour their ancestors, and maintain harmony…

Mexico Spirituality Explored: Beautiful Ancient Culture and Genuine Traditional Practices.

Mexico Spirituality Explored: Beautiful Ancient Culture and Genuine Traditional Practices.

Mexico’s spirituality is a beautiful blend of ancient traditions, Catholic influences, and modern practices.  It revolves around a deep connection to nature and the cosmos. It’s a land where the spiritual and the cultural unite in a dance of colours and beliefs. At the heart of Mexican spirituality lies a deep connection to nature and…