Agnostic Spirituality – What Is a Spiritual Agnostic Being?
The term Spiritual Agnostic merges the traditional term of agnosticism, which is not to have conclusive answers on what God is and whether it exists or not, with being Spiritual. We dive deep into all the terminology and ask all the crucial questions, like “What is Agnostic Spirituality? What does it mean to be spiritual but not religious? Can you be spiritual without knowing for sure god is real? Do you have to believe in god to be spiritual?”

Agnostic Spirituality may seem to contradict each other at first; however, in fact, it’s a viewpoint of the world that exceeds the consciousness of most. Agnostic spiritualists may believe that there is something out there greater than oneself but don’t believe it is confined by the strict rules of religion. They may or may not believe in religion; they are unsure whether they can believe in a god. However, they see beyond religion and look at Spirituality in terms of energy. An energy that connects all things but isn’t confined by rules or religious conditions. They may be aware of the soul through a scientific lens, for example, nature.
Firstly, what is an Agnostic? Compared to atheism, which is the certain disbelief in any ethereal energy force or a ‘god’ or ‘gods and goddess. Agnosticism is when someone understands that we can never be 100% entirely sure about anything without evidence.
Agnosticism is the view that a person cannot know if God exists or not. There is no evidence for either argument. Maybe they sense there is a higher power at play. However, due to a lack of scientific data, they err on the side of caution and whey up all options. They believe we can’t be 100% sure about the existence or non-existent of God; we simply do not have that kind of knowledge available to us yet.

There are three types of Agnostic People:
Pure agnostic – A person who believes God’s existence and non-existence is equally probable.
Agnostic theist – someone who believes in God but isn’t too sure it exists.
Agnostic atheist – someone who doesn’t believe in God but doesn’t know for sure and can’t argue against it.

Spirituality is an extremely broad term and can be a hugely personal practice... Spirituality is when someone is aware of the soul. That we are spiritual bodies having a human experience. “We are a body; we HAVE a body. We are a soul.”
Spirituality is a practice where you seek to live a meaningful, peaceful and joyful life. Spiritual seekers are often on a quest to balance both the positive and energetic forces in the world and inside of them to achieve harmony. We live in a world of dualities, and Spirituality is about embracing both forces of the world. The Yin and the Yang, the light and the dark, the masculine and the feminine.

To be spiritual means to be aware of the interconnectedness of all beings. To be spiritual, you do not have to believe in a religion or a god. However, you understand there is a universal energy force that connects all living things. Maybe you view the world as a web of conscious energy that threads us all into the same cloth.
1. If a higher being created all of creation, it would be hard to believe because of the evolution theory and other scientific suggestions that seem more logical and easier to comprehend.
2. If a higher being created us, who created the higher being? A question that becomes a “what came first, the chicken and the egg” situation. This is ironic as this applies to both creation of God and the evolutionary theory.
3. If there is one God, why are multiple religions and many people divided? I will argue here that this is a human ego problem and not a spiritual problem of who is right or wrong. We believe all religions point to the same mountain peak at sacred footprints. Religion is just one of the many paths to reach that peak.

“We believe all religions point to the same mountain peak at sacred footprints. Religion is just one of the many paths to reach that peak.”
Sacred Footprints
4. Most agnostics can lean on the atheist side more. As they find the likelihood of a higher being a much more complex concept to grasp than the tangible ‘evidence’ we have here on earth.
5. Agnostics choose not to settle on a concrete and final answer. They preferer to be fluid in their beliefs. The question and study are open to both sides of the debate. They have gathered enough data to agree that there is evidence of God’s existence and non-exitance.
“I don’t know what I don’t know, and I can’t be sure of what I do know, therefor I am aware of my unknowingness.”
– Agnostic Beleif

On the other hand, Spiritual Agnostics have all the beliefs of agnostics above, with spiritually minded views on top of them too. These people are not religious in their core beliefs but believe in oneness with something. Spirituality is often mistaken for religion, and that is wrong. Someone can be spiritual but not religious, which we will expand on below. The term “spiritual but not religious’ Is used often. When someone is open-minded to and even believes in a higher power, but not in the dogmatic viewpoint of religion. A spiritual agnostic lifestyle is very flexible and personal.
If you wonder whether you “Can you be Spiritual and Believe in God?” Read this Blog of ours here.
1. Upon questioning God or higher beings, the only force we can be sure of is that of nature. Weather god and nature are the same things is something a spiritual agnostic person may question. Is there a difference?
2. They are aware that we are here to grow and evolve. They see the forces of nature, evolution, the seasons, the weather or a caterpillar metamorphosis as meaningful experiences we can learn from.
3. They may lean into philosophical teachings to deepen their thirst for knowledge about the world and the cosmos. Daoism is a beautiful philosophy that incorporates a spiritual standpoint of nature, as does Buddhism. As these are not religions, many spiritually agnostic people gravitate towards their teachings.
4. Spiritual agnostics may accept views on energy and how it weaves us all together, like in the teachings of Tantra and Yoga. But how could there be a universal consciousness we are all one with and a part of?
A great imagine depiction of what religion is to spirituality and what consciousness is:

Spiritual agnostics are people who are more likely to lead a somewhat spiritual life; however, they aren’t conditioned by the existence of a higher power. They may enjoy meditation and mindfulness, as these are ways to access spiritual energy or cultivate more powerful energy inside oneself rather than to become more conscious. They may choose to study theology in their quest for truth or be drawn to paths such as Kundalini, Tantra or Christ Consciousness instead of relgion. These paths of Spirituality go far beyond the conforms of traditional religion. Spiritual Agnostics go beyond religion.
On the other hand, they may take a more natural approach to Spirituality. Seeing the beauty and magnificence of any ‘higher power’ as being living through nature itself. They may replace the word God with ‘the Universe’ to ground the idea of a higher power and make it more tangible. Spiritual agnosticism could be a gateway to more profound Spirituality and consciousness. As it’s firmly grounded and rooted, to begin with. It makes for a substantiated and well-rounded thought process and conclusion.

People who see nature as their God and the universe as their higher power are known as ‘Spiritual pantheists’.
Spiritual Agnostics may fall into the category of spiritual pantheism as they are aware of a mystical force but feel it lacks tangible energy. Until they realise, where is the best place to witness God through his creation? You may not believe in God, but if you are on the fence, all you must do is look around you to see a miracle at play.
You may be a Spiritual Pantheist if:
- You feel at peace when in nature.
- Are awe-struck by the night sky, stars and cosmos.
- Soothed by forests and the ocean.
- You refer to ‘the universe’ as having some overarching power or in replacement of God.
Human ethics and animal rights may be of greater importance to you than adhering to spiritual texts. Many religions’ life goals are to ‘Transcend their consciousness and become one with God. Spiritual pantheism is when you care more about creating heaven on earth, saving the planet and its animals and making the most of your life here. Spiritual pantheism embraces science as part of exploring the world and the cosmos. This merging of the two means that it could be a satisfying path for someone unsure of what to believe, like a Spiritual agnostic.

Some people theorise that someone who is Agnostic has sensed a higher power. But they haven’t let go of the conditions that scientific data has laid down in theory. Spirituality, like scientific data itself has yet to be proved as 100% correct, not to forget. All scientific information is only theory, as quantum physics is starting to establish. So we can’t be sure from a scientific or spiritual standpoint. Spiritual teachers for thousands of years have said that “Spirituality is just science that hasn’t been discovered yet.” Someone following a Spiritual agnostic belief may change their beliefs over time as they evolve.
“Spirituality is just science that hasn’t been discovered yet.”

Thankyou for Reading!
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