silhouette of person raising its hand

Faith: Can You be Spiritual and Believe in God?

Can you be spiritual and believe in God? Do these two ‘faiths’ contradict or strengthen one another? Let’s dive deeper into what it means to be spiritual and who God is in spirituality.

Can you be “Spiritual but not Religious” & Believe in God?

To believe in a God IS spiritual. The act of faith alone is spiritual. Whether you are a strict catholic or new age ‘spiritual but not religious’ person – they all encompass spirituality. You are entitled to believe whatever you wish.  That’s what spirituality is for.

To create your own unique blueprint on how to navigate this world. Spirituality is designed to help you liberate your inner truth, by creating your own belief system and going on your own quest in search of truth. 

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You may not believe in God the same way a religious person does, but your acknowledgement of a higher power is one and the same. They are not exclusive to one another.

You can be both spiritual and religious. You can also be spiritual and follow no faith or have no belief in a God. Read more on Agnostic Spirituality here. Spirituality is a personal path of seeking enlightenment, it doesn’t matter which route you follow.

What is Spirituality, and What is God?

To be Spiritual is to recognise that you are an energetic body (soul) having a human experience. Spirituality is a personal faith and is highly subjective. You create your own spirituality and make your own rules. That’s the beauty of not having a conform to a religion. Spirituality is boundless and personal.

empty cave

The term God originated in the Christian faith, but when you dive deeper into the context, God can be anything you perceive. The word means many different things to many other people. For some, god can be found in nature or on a pilgrimage, for others, it’s in an otherworldly, ethereal being.

God, in its most accurate form, is also boundless and shouldn’t have any conditions. Unfortunately, religion has segregated God and made people feel shame about their beliefs. Ironically, this is the OPPOSITE teaching than what it was meant for.

God in Spirituality

God is the supernatural energy force, many of us feel and acknowledge. You must think beyond religion to grasp this context. It takes a high form of consciousness to understand this. This is why the word ‘God’ still causes war and destruction because we haven’t truly understood the real meaning. We are still using it as a tool to divide rather than unite.

This is why many people question if you can be spiritual and believe in God. We have to ask for permission for what we believe in because of cultural and religious programming and fears of being ostracized. The spiritual community outside of religion is usually more accepting of this, as their beliefs go beyond religion.

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God has many names in the spiritual community. Christians call it Holy Spirit or father, and Muslims call it Allah. Hinduism classifies God into gods and goddesses, which each resemble characteristics and personality traits… Science called it quantum physics or “The God Particle”. Yogis call it prana or (life force energy).

Seeing Beyond Religion 

God is, in effect, an umbrella term for the universal energy force. Throughout the truth-seeking journey of trying to understand who God is and whether it exists, I’ve concluded that we all believe in the same thing but dress in different clothes. No matter what you call it, we believe in the same energy. 

“Whether you think it manifests as a man with a white beard in the sky, multiple gods and goddesses or quantum physics energies, we all sense that there is some striking force for which we don’t have concrete answers.” 


Why must we separate God from Allah? Allah from Angels? Angels from Spirit? Spirit from the universal energy source? The Holy Spirit from science? Is it necessary or deviating from the true purpose of spirituality?

Can you be Spiritual and Believe in God?

Yes. You can believe in whatever you want to. Whatever feels true FOR YOU. Anyone who tells you otherwise runs off programming from their conditioned beliefs and upbringing. 

Personally, I struggled for a long time, trying to find and PROVE which path was the one true path. This was so that I could devote myself to that path knowing it was RIGHT. But, unfortunately, our desire to be right takes away the intuition and inner guidance of our hearts and soul.

religious ceremony. Can you be spiritual and believe in god?

What if there is no right path to enlightenment or inner peace? What if following christ or yoga would eventually take you to the same place? As long as you strive to become the embodiment of love, have compassion for all, follow your joy of bliss and be of meaningful service to the world, in some way; does it matter what path you walk down?

“We are all climbing the same mountain. The paths may vary, but the destination is the same.” 

person standing on hand rails with arms wide open facing the mountains and clouds

A New Way of Thinking  

What if we all start thinking that all these religions, philosophies and spiritual concepts are just TOOLS to help us on this journey on earth? They are meant to help us find peace, find purpose in life and bring us joy. Not to segregate us and use it as an excuse to belittle or shame others. What if we all found love, acceptance and compassion for each other’s faiths? Acknowledging we are all trying to reach the same goals of peace and lessen our suffering?

prayers to god or spirit

God in Religion and God in Spirituality

God in religion is known similarly in spirituality as:

  • Ultimate Cause or Reality
  • The Creator
  • Source
  • All-that-is
  • The Truth

A spiritual person may not follow a particular religion or have a belief in a creator, but they also long for a relationship with some higher power or higher love. For example, they may connect through:

  • Meditation Techniques
  • A Daily Spiritual Practice 
  • Kundalini Yoga
  • Contemplation
  • Rituals and worships
  • Study Sanskrit, Religion or Philosophy
  • Study Quantum Physics 
god and spirituality

Thank you for reading ‘Can You Be Spiritual and Believe in God?’

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